Eight Types Of Men Nigerian Women Hate And Run Away From

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Have you ever wondered why women always run away from you? It might be because of certain traits you possess.
Just as men can’t stand certain types of women, women also can’t tolerate certain men.
Sometimes, you start a relationship with this lady and before you know it, she’s already withdrawing from you, it might be due to certain traits you have which she can’t deal with.
Below is a list of the most common types of men that women love to hate. This may help you change your ways.
1. The stingy guy:
She’s not asking for too much, an occasional gift which may not even be an expensive one would do. He stylishly always tries to avoid spending his money and would rather want you to keep footing the bill.
2. The woman chaser:
This man lusts after any and everything in skirt. Every guy admires beautiful women but this one makes it very obvious, not minding that he is with a girl. It is not only offensive but makes the woman you’re with hate you.
3. Broke ass:
Dear men, most women don’t want a liability in their life. No lady would want to settle for aman who can’t take care of himself..
4. Mummy’s boy:
This man still needs his mother’s permission to do anything. He never takes charge.
5. Mr traditional:
Gone are the days when women are treated more like slaves than as wives. It is a known fact that the man is the head of the home but, the woman is not his slave. I’m no less of aman.
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